2 responses

  1. LCW
    May 16, 2010

    Great post, well not the hitting part, but I love the reference to positive discipline and we’ll be referring to your blog and the books you’ve recommended very soon. As a former teacher I understand much of what you’re saying and it’s very important to use positive reinforcement and discipline to obtain the desired result from children.

  2. LeeAnn
    May 25, 2010

    I saw this post the other day when I first found your blog and I’m so glad I remembered to come back and read it. My daughter (almost 2 1/2) gets frustrated sometimes when her brother gets a new toy or if he is getting a lot of attention and she has hit him too. We try very hard not to react in a negative way and just remove her from the situation. We don’t necessarily follow all of the steps you mentioned, but I’m glad to see we’re on the right track.

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