
When Passion Finds You

by Heligirl on February 10, 2013

in Beyond Mommyhood

Do you know what it’s like to want something? I mean really want something. So much so that you develop a cop on a high speed chase kind of tunnel vision while you ignore the infernal screams of your rational mind warning of the most certain impending doom of that hairpin turn ahead? That’s a […]


by Heligirl on July 18, 2012

in Beyond Mommyhood

Without passion, something that really sets me on fire, I’m a lost soul floating aimlessly in this vast sea of life. Colors are muted and sounds dull. Energy is low, patience is even lower and my overall outlook can be a little on the negative side. Ok. More than a little. To be honest, I […]

Fist Fight: Logic vs. Passion

by Heligirl on December 16, 2010

in Confessions

The following post is brought to you by Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop writing prompt “Fist Flight.” It may be a metaphor or a piece of fiction. It could have happened long ago, or could be taking place this instant. (But I will tell you this is not something to do with my current work situation, […]