Positive Discipline

With my little girl passing the 3 ½ mark this month, she’s running head on into a very defiant stage. My patience and resolve, not to mention positive discipline training, has been pushed to the limit no less than five times a day. Every request turns into a battle of the wills and it leaves […]

We all need respect, including our children. Remember the old adage that children are to be seen but not heard. Does this sound respectful to you? It’s sad what that kind of attitude did to self esteem. It developed a huge group of people who still feel they don’t deserve to be respected. I received […]

Last week I wrote about a very frustrating experience when I observed a preschool for Sweetness. I got a lot of feedback, both in the form of comments as well as e-mails from local folks who recognized which school I visited. This got me thinking. I learned something fascinating about parental expectations in that experience. […]

Last week I started a three-part series on encouraging our kids, using techniques aimed at their developmental stages. I started by talking about how to encourage children from birth to 6. This week I’ll continue the conversation with some insights into the psychological development of kids between the ages of 6 and 12 as well […]

I’ve talked in the past about the pitfalls of praise. It can be empty and hollow, further degrading children’s self esteem by building in them a need to receive praise (external justification) in order to feel belonging or acceptance. Instead of praise, we can encourage our kids, helping them find their way and develop an […]

I talk a lot in my articles about discipline, and specifically positive discipline. That word, discipline, seems to carry some negative connotations. At least I know my first thought when hearing the word is of a child being scolded or spanked (the way my generation was “disciplined.”) Positive discipline is about being kind but firm, […]

If you have a toddler or preschooler in your house, you’re quickly becoming very familiar with their insatiable appetite to explore, experiment and push their boundaries to the absolute limit. That sweet little baby that used to follow your lead and eat, sleep, play and go along with you when you offered has now started […]

We have meetings at work, meetings with friends, and meetings for volunteer and fun organizations. Why don’t we all do the same with our families? Family meetings, a powerful positive discipline strategy, provide multiple benefits for kids and parents alike in today’s hectic world. It’s especially valuable as the kids get older with full schedules […]