Snow Day

by Heligirl on November 24, 2010

in Daily Ramblings,Photography

It snowed Sunday, Nov. 21, ever so briefly. There is just something about that first snow of the season. Even though the adult worries of childcare, work, fear of getting stuck or in a wreck, concern over using vacation time, etc. tend to come up, the little kid in me just gets so giddy when the snow starts to fall. But not much developed Sunday.

However, we woke on Monday, Nov. 22, to a light dusting and the snow falling. Sadly, I had to go to work, but our nanny made it in and took the kids out to play in the morning because, well, Sweetness just couldn’t handle the excitement of snow without throwing herself head on into it. In fact, once it started snowing, she announced it was time to put up the Christmas tree.

Sweetness and Mr. Man check out the overnight dusting of snow Monday morning.

I had bought Sweetness a little snow outfit on a whim in September since there was all this talk of a really rough winter. I’m soooooooo glad I did. She stayed toasty warm in her adorable little purple outfit.

Mr. Man had just received a hand-me-down from a friend of mine last month – a waterproof winter coat that’s about a size too big, but perfect when a thick sweater is on underneath. Not a moment too soon, I might add.

The snow was really coming down all morning and our office decided to call it a day at about 11 a.m. so we could get home at a descent hour. Not more than 5 minutes after our team decided to start packing up and heading out Hubby called and announced the Prius was not going to make it out of his parking lot, let alone home. He was walking the three blocks to my building for me to bring him home in my 4WD compact SUV.

When we got home, the kids were climbing the walls with excitement to hit the backyard again. This time the snow was really coming down and it was blowing. I was as excited as they were.

It really got to blowing snow, but the kids kept laughing.

Handsome man in the snow.

I was trying to get a shot of the snowflakes in her eyelashes. Look at those red cheeks. She was having a blast chasing Daddy all over the yard and throwing snowballs at the side of the house.

In the end, we got about 2-3 inches and it froze hard overnight. School and work were canceled on Tuesday, so we kept the snow play up, even though it was a brisk 25 degrees. The sun was out Tuesday and so were the kids. Perfect beginning to the holiday season, if I do say so myself.

And, for your viewing pleasure, here’s how Daddy taught Sweetness the fine skill of throwing snowballs. A true right of passage.


Krista November 24, 2010 at 6:44 am

Awww.. that’s adorable. And sort of, almost, maybe just a little, makes me excited for when it snows here. Sort of.

Twitter: Heligirl
November 30, 2010 at 4:14 pm

Thanks Krista. It is sure a lot of fun to have snow. After you’ve gotten home, done all the grocery shopping, have lots of dry firewood in case the power goes out, and remembered to winterize outside first. As long as you don’t have to go anywhere and your loved ones are home safe, it’s pretty darn cool to play in the backyard with the kids. 🙂

Alexandra December 3, 2010 at 9:51 pm

You’re so right, thank you for reminding me of the awesomeness of the first snow. My kids do get excited and shout, “it’s snowing!”

Thank you for reminding me to take joy in that simple moment, like they do.

It’s still new to them, I have to remember that.

Twitter: Heligirl
December 4, 2010 at 7:25 am

I hadn’t thought of that, but yes, taking join in those simple moments is a great life goal. Something about the snow makes me so excited to play with the kids. To be young without a care in the world… 🙂

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