May 2012

The People’s Republic of Seattle

by Heligirl on May 30, 2012

in Daily Ramblings

I’m all for conservation, recycling, preservation, sustainability and reducing waste. Heck, I wash my Ziploc bags to use another day as long as they’re not too skanky or torn. I’m forever getting on Hubby and the kids for leaving lights on and running water unnecessarily. Yet our city knows better than us. We get fined […]

The Comparison Pit

by Heligirl on May 21, 2012

in Mom Tip Monday,Parenting Articles

Face it, all parents to it. I know I’m massively guilty. When surrounded by other parents and kids, now can you not, even in the least amount? I’m talking about comparison. From the time our kids are born our concern for their well being drives us to look at other children their age to determine […]

Preschooler Time Perception

by Heligirl on May 3, 2012

in Daily Ramblings

Time is a concept that I’m convinced children won’t learn until they’re out of high school. Now part of me thinks this is just because we’re not genetically wired to watch the clock. Our Native Americans told time by the seasons, migrations and weather patterns. We, however, in today’s world, have to teach our kids […]


by Heligirl on May 3, 2012

in Beyond Mommyhood

I feel like I’ve been racing to keep up with life as it throws me curveballs and keeps me on my toes. In a down economy, where I was laid off, money concerns stay in the back of my mind. And I’ve been worried like mad about retirement for decades. How lame is that, worry […]