
Today I’m handing the reigns over to Amy McCready of Positive Parenting Solutions. She ran the webinar I hosted last week and I get her regular e-mail newsletters that keep me on track with positive discipline. This one is a particularly touchy subject and when I got her advice, I asked her if I could […]

When I was growing up, the rules in our house were pretty similar to those in most households of the 70s and 80s: do something the parents don’t approve of, get punished. My brother and I were spanked with hands and wooden spoons. (In fact, I remember they even had a paddle in grade school […]

17 Positive Discipline Guidelines

by Heligirl on March 16, 2010

in Parenting Articles

When I attended the Sanity Circus class put on by the Puget Sound Aldlerian Society, we were given a handout that really broke down Positive Discipline for me. I’ve written it up for you here. It came from the Positive Discipline website. There are a couple of things to keep in mind: 1) some of […]

Potty Mouth Cure

by Heligirl on March 10, 2010

in Daily Ramblings,Parenting Tidbits

I went in for my bimonthly beauty pampering and old age hiding ritual (hair cut and color) and Janet, my lovely hair stylist, shared a great story a friend of her’s bestowed about how to get her child to cease potty mouth for good. Her friend swore this worked. So for those with slightly older […]