Mom Tip Monday

School Readiness Resource

by Heligirl on November 7, 2011

in Mom Tip Monday,Parenting Articles

If you have young kids, or were a kid yourself at one time, you know about Sesame Street. And if you’ve been watching in the last several years, you’ve seen the current sponsor announcements before the show. For about three years now I’ve been watching with my kids and every morning I hear the announcement […]

My daughter has been very capable of understanding the positive discipline concept of when she does ABC, then she can XYZ since she turned 3. This concept is known in the positive discipline community as the when/then technique or principle. It teaches kids responsibility, accountability and gives them some control over the outcome. The concept […]

Today I’m handing of the controls to Nancy Parker, a nanny and writer who wanted to offer some advice on finding a nanny who uses positive discipline. What she offers in just a beginning, but the points she makes are none the less important to keep in mind. Take it away Nancy. Finding the perfect […]

I’m a real neurotic micromanager when it comes to my kids’ safety. My daughter’s friend jumped off the couch and broke her leg. I never let the kids stand on the couch now. I live on a busy street. My kids are scared to death to get close to it lest mom start screaming like […]

I’ve talked about encouraging independence and how children are motivated by the desire to please others in my positive discipline articles. I use techniques almost every day that help the kids feel independent, connected and capable. Now that I’m trying to recover from a seriously sprained hip, I’ve needed to lean on them more than […]

Being home and exceptionally limited in my mobility at the moment, I’ve noticed an increase in the kids making bids for attention. Some of it is good, such as really stepping in to help bring me things I need or carry something for me. Some of it is negative bids, acting out to either get […]

I’ve officially been at my new job four weeks now and the kids have started their new childcare/preschool center. A new routine is starting to set in and with it all the stress of change in the little ones and the resulting misbehavior. Time for some positive discipline. The kids don’t like being away from […]

A couple of weeks ago I asked a question on the Heligirl Facebook page about how to parent and gently guide kids through those rough stages, such as the ferocious threes (which have nothing on the terrible twos) with positive discipline. One reader and a great friend shared something that was so powerful, I asked […]