February 2010

Beware of the Internet

by Heligirl on February 16, 2010

in Daily Ramblings

The Internet is a great place to learn all kinds of things, get answers to your most pressing questions, get great ideas, make friends, lose yourself and be entertained. But it can also be a nasty, praying, wicked thing that can take you down like a lioness does a lame wildebeest. Sometimes it isn’t so […]

So sweetness has been getting out of hand in her demands to be In Control, with a capital I. C. At first little things like letting her choose which jacket she’d like to wear was enough to make her more than happy for hours. We thought we were really on to something with that. “Wow,” […]

The Dreaded Moment

by Heligirl on February 14, 2010

in Embarenting,Parenting Tidbits

Well, it finally happened. Since I first saw those two lines on that first pregnancy test I knew I needed to start paying attention to what I said as it would take some discipline to start working a few choice words out of my vocabulary. I’d gotten pretty good, but there were times when I […]

Sibling Rivalry

by Heligirl on February 13, 2010

in Parenting Tidbits,Positive Discipline

It was subtle in its infant beginnings, but sibling rivalry has definitely entered our home. This last several weeks Mr. Man is beginning to really develop some personality. He’s showing preferences and has learned how to get our attention. This has not gone unnoticed by Her Highness. Mr. Man will make a noise and smile […]

Signs of Aging

by Heligirl on February 12, 2010

in Daily Ramblings

A lot of people mark their aging by their wrinkles, gray hairs, and the magnification power of their reading glasses . Others may count those extra pounds sneaking in on the “old age” places (hips on the ladies, beer gut on the boys) or the number of nose, ear and back hairs that have appeared. […]

Nine Months

by Heligirl on February 11, 2010

in Parenting Tidbits

My Handsome Little Man is nine months old today. Hard to imagine that nine months ago I was in the hospital again with a little newborn baby boy in my arms. That went so fast. It seems like those first nine months with Sweetness took longer. My little guy’s infancy is screaming by and I […]

My mom doesn’t tell many jokes, but when she did when we were kids they were funny to us. The answer to this one, one of her oddest, is an action. Make a huge sniffing sound as you wipe your nose and rub your hand up over your forehead and back through your hair. Lovely. […]

Shifting Gears

by Heligirl on February 9, 2010

in Helicopters

I remember an echo of a time when my life revolved around helicopters. I lived and breathed them. In fact, other than my dog, Jack, there was not much I loved more than them. I even called my life “as the rotor turns.” If you had a helicopter or a helicopter rating, I idolized you, […]